Episode 1

GCSEs to A-Levels in Lockdown

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Lockdown, the pandemic - no one could have seen it coming! It affected everyone in various ways. We students took a massive hit and the consequences still affect every single one of us. Disrupted classes - for the first year most of us didn't even have access to proper online teaching! Jai and I talk about how it impacted us. Although this may make it sound like it was all negative, there were positives! 

Especially with exam season kicking in, I know many students will be reminiscing on the TAGs or CAGs (teacher-assessed or centre-assessed grades). It's important to reflect on the past to learn from your mistakes and even positives. I won't spoil the fun and let you listen to the episode! 

I am always open to feedback: feel no hesitation in contacting me through any of the available options.

- Ahmed Imran (A.I)



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Jai - Mail
