Bonus Episode!

Notion Template + Flora

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So, midsts exam season, what could I possibly want to share?

Too easily distracted by social media? Looking back at your phone every few minutes only to realise you have been revising for only 3 minutes?

I have been using Flora to help take control of my revision and to track exactly when and what I've done throughout the day. What's even better is that your friends can see your focus times to hold you accountable, or even join in with a session. Sitting on your own, seeing someone else join your room gives you a little morale boost too!

When you start a focus, it starts growing a tree. If you close the app (not including putting the phone to sleep) or switch apps, you kill the tree which you have planted. To reduce the need to do so, it has its own To Do list which you can access during a focus period. 

You can keep this totally free and just have virtual trees or add a forfeit amount that will be donated towards planting real trees if you kill yours.

I have completed a fair bit of past papers over the last two years, however, none of them compiled in one place, some were on lined paper, others on the exam papers themselves and some on my iPad. The disparity meant that to see which past papers I had completed, I had to go digging through a few different sources, this wasn't the best and most efficient of ways to do it. So I thought to myself why don't I make one place where I compile them all. And so came the notion template! 

I use Notion to organise my life, as a sort of 'second brain', from tasks such as deciding which dental surgery I'd register with to planning out this podcast! And a good thing about Notion is that you can import templates from all over the internet, some paid and some free. 

After creating my Past Paper Tracker for A-Level papers, I thought why not share the template with all of you! It is fully customisable and free to use.

So what are you waiting for, duplicate the template to your notion and offload all that past paper mental clutter onto something you can access from anywhere, online or offline.

I am always open to feedback: feel no hesitation in contacting me through any of the available options. 

- A.I
